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Trophywertigkeit / Anzahl / PSN Punkte gesamt
Gold 8
Silber 6
Bronze 8
Gesamt 23
Meine Platindauer:
Mein Klickaufwand:
Ach, ich liebe Novellen, bei denen man manuell skippen oder höllisch aufpassen muss, da das automatische Skippen bei bestimmten Passagen und Entscheidungen nicht von selbst anhält :-/
So auch bei dieser Novelle. Hier gibt es zwar auch ein paar mehr oder wenige normale Entscheidungen, dann gibt es aber Stellen, an denen bestimmte Zeichen in der Novelle gelb markiert sind (hier hält die Novelle automatisch an). Man muss dann im Guide schauen, ob man hier etwas machen muss oder einfach weiter skippen darf. Das ist erstmal garnicht weiter schlimm, nur vielleicht etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig.
Dann gibt es aber Passagen, über die die Novelle automatisch drüber skippt --> wenn das von einem sich bewegenden Quadrat umgebene Kenji unten rechts gelb wird, dann wird es Zeit, Autoskip zu stoppen und manuell weiter zu skippen, denn kurz danach fängt das gelbe Kenji an zu blinken und man muss das Radio öffnen, um eine bestimmte Frequenz einzugeben. Der zeitliche Rahmen, um Autoskip anzuhalten, ist teilweise echt eng. So muss man entweder sehr genau aufpassen oder manuell skippen, wobei manuell skippen echt ewig dauert... Skippt man drüber, lädt man einfach das vorherige Quick Save und versucht es nochmal. Ich habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht, den sonst einwandfreien Guide - danke an PS3imports und Roughdawg - noch etwas aufzupolieren, indem ich an genau diesen Stellen noch das Datum in Rot hinzugefügt habe, das ingame gerade ist. Das hilft vielleicht, um ein wenig den Überblick zu behalten und zu merken, wann man bereits zu weit geskippt hat. Das Datum kann man leicht über die Quick Saves nachschauen.
Keep skipping until a radio appears
Top 24
Bottom 27
口 コミ
美 人過ぎる
占 い
カー ド
運 勢
Keep skipping until you get to Writing Now
4) MAIN! 占い
1) 口コミ
1) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
(stops automatically)…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping (swipe up on touchscreen for vita)
press L3
Top: 36
Bottom: 41
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 76
Bottom: 11
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main! 占い
4) 運勢
2) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 64
Bottom: 18
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main! 占い
1) 口コミ
1) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main! 占い
4) 運勢
2) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 73
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main1 占い
1) 口コミ
1) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 32
Bottom: 99
2/18…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 60
Bottom: 26
3/1…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 80
Bottom: 39
3/3…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 8
Bottom: 32
3/6…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 92
Bottom: 57
3/7…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 56
Bottom: 7
3/8…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 44
Bottom: 94
*TROPHY #10*
Load Save #1
3) Main! ミイラ
3) Circle image
Keep skipping until a radio appears
Top 24
Bottom 27
黒魔術, 代行屋
At the next choice, it will say you have two many words saved. I will put in () what to eliminate
超 常現象 (eliminate コックリさん )
運 勢 (ひとりかくれんぼ)
マ スメディア (ミイラ)
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! 黒魔術代行屋
4) 口コミ
5) 美人過ぎる
1) Only Image
2/12…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 36
Bottom: 41
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 76
Bottom: 11
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) 黒魔術代行屋
3) マスメディア
5) 美人過ぎる
1) Only Image
偽 物 (黒魔術代行屋)
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 73
民 間伝承 (カード)
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! 民間伝承
4) 口コミ
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 32
Bottom: 99
2/18 (Quick Load 2/17)…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 60
Bottom: 26
2/22…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 52
Bottom: 4
3/1…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 68
Bottom: 18
3/3…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 24
Bottom: 29
3/4…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 40
Bottom: 95
3/4…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 12
Bottom: 87
*TROPHY #11*
Load Save #1
1) Main! ひとりかくれんぼ
1) Eye
Keep skipping until a radio appears
Top 24
Bottom 27
超 常現象 (コックリさん)
運 勢 (ひとりかくれんぼ)
マ スメディア (ミイラ)
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! ムムー
5) 釣り
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
2/12…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 36
Bottom: 41
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 76
Bottom: 11
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! ムムー
3) マスメディア
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! ムムー
4) 口コミ
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
ほ どよい (ムムー)
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 73
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 4
Bottom: 5
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 32
Bottom: 94
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 88
Bottom: 45
2/18…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 16
Bottom: 69
2/18 (Quick Load ?/?(?) )Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 60
Bottom: 26
2/18…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 96
Bottom: 33
*TROPHY #12*
3/2…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 84
Bottom: 5
3/2…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 15
3/3…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 40
Bottom: 48
3/4…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 56
Bottom: 24
3/5…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 80
Bottom: 98
3/5…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 28
Bottom: 58
3/6…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 4
Bottom: 96
*TROPHY #13*
New Game - True Story on Main Menu
3/1…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 48
Bottom: 76
After this selection, make the save
Make Save #2
3/2…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 64
Bottom: 65
After this selection, make the save
Make Save #3
3/8…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 72
Bottom: 71
*TROPHY #14*
*TROPHY #15*
Ansonsten trotzdem danke für den super Guide*,
der auf jeden Fall eine gute Grundlage für eine doch recht
schnelle Doppelplatin bietet ;-) Den Klickaufwand habe ich mit 07/10
gewählt, zwar ist er den Großteil der Platin bei 09
oder 10,
aber gerade die ersten und letzten Durchläufe und die Endings
verlangen garkeine Aufmerksamkeit.*TROPHY #6*
Keep skipping until a radio appears
Top 24
Bottom 27
口 コミ
美 人過ぎる
占 い
カー ド
運 勢
Keep skipping until you get to Writing Now
4) MAIN! 占い
1) 口コミ
1) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
(stops automatically)…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping (swipe up on touchscreen for vita)
press L3
Top: 36
Bottom: 41
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 76
Bottom: 11
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main! 占い
4) 運勢
2) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 64
Bottom: 18
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main! 占い
1) 口コミ
1) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main! 占い
4) 運勢
2) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 73
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
4) Main1 占い
1) 口コミ
1) 美人過ぎる
4) Ring image around 2 kanji letters
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 32
Bottom: 99
2/18…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 60
Bottom: 26
3/1…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 80
Bottom: 39
3/3…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 8
Bottom: 32
3/6…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 92
Bottom: 57
3/7…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 56
Bottom: 7
3/8…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 44
Bottom: 94
*TROPHY #10*
Load Save #1
3) Main! ミイラ
3) Circle image
Keep skipping until a radio appears
Top 24
Bottom 27
黒魔術, 代行屋
At the next choice, it will say you have two many words saved. I will put in () what to eliminate
超 常現象 (eliminate コックリさん )
運 勢 (ひとりかくれんぼ)
マ スメディア (ミイラ)
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! 黒魔術代行屋
4) 口コミ
5) 美人過ぎる
1) Only Image
2/12…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 36
Bottom: 41
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 76
Bottom: 11
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) 黒魔術代行屋
3) マスメディア
5) 美人過ぎる
1) Only Image
偽 物 (黒魔術代行屋)
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 73
民 間伝承 (カード)
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! 民間伝承
4) 口コミ
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 32
Bottom: 99
2/18 (Quick Load 2/17)…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 60
Bottom: 26
2/22…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 52
Bottom: 4
3/1…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 68
Bottom: 18
3/3…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 24
Bottom: 29
3/4…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 40
Bottom: 95
3/4…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 12
Bottom: 87
*TROPHY #11*
Load Save #1
1) Main! ひとりかくれんぼ
1) Eye
Keep skipping until a radio appears
Top 24
Bottom 27
超 常現象 (コックリさん)
運 勢 (ひとりかくれんぼ)
マ スメディア (ミイラ)
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! ムムー
5) 釣り
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
2/12…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 36
Bottom: 41
2/14…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 76
Bottom: 11
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! ムムー
3) マスメディア
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
Keep skipping until you reach Writing Now
1) Main! ムムー
4) 口コミ
2) 超常現象
1) Only Image
ほ どよい (ムムー)
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 73
2/16…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 4
Bottom: 5
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 32
Bottom: 94
2/17…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 88
Bottom: 45
2/18…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 16
Bottom: 69
2/18 (Quick Load ?/?(?) )Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 60
Bottom: 26
2/18…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 96
Bottom: 33
*TROPHY #12*
3/2…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 84
Bottom: 5
3/2…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 20
Bottom: 15
3/3…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 40
Bottom: 48
3/4…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 56
Bottom: 24
3/5…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 80
Bottom: 98
3/5…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 28
Bottom: 58
3/6…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 4
Bottom: 96
*TROPHY #13*
New Game - True Story on Main Menu
3/1…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 48
Bottom: 76
After this selection, make the save
Make Save #2
3/2…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 64
Bottom: 65
After this selection, make the save
Make Save #3
3/8…Keep skipping until you see a flashing yellow letter, stop skipping
press L3
Top: 72
Bottom: 71
*TROPHY #14*
*TROPHY #15*
Greetz Angel
PS: Falls ihr, wie ich, auch nicht direkt versteht, wie man die Zahlen am Radio ändert: es sind Drehregler --> die obere Zahl ändert man durch das Drehen des linken Sticks, die untere durch den rechten Stick. Fand ich jetzt nicht ganz so intuitiv >.<
Aktuelle Meilensteine:
1.200 Platins
50.000 Trophies
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Corpse Party Blood Drive - 1 Minute
Grisaia Side Episode - 2 Minuten
[NEU] Grisaia Phantom Trigger 01 & 02 (VITA)
Links zu meinen letzten Nicht-Novellen Blogeinträgen:
Platinum #1253 - A Way Out (PS4)
Platinum #1252 - Old Man's Journey (PS4)
Platinum #1246 bis #1249 - Hex Tunnel 2x & Hex Tunnel Touch 2x (PS4 EU & US)
Platinum #1238 bis 1241 - InkSplosion (3x PS4 und 1x VITA)
Platinum #1236 - MX vs ATV Supercross Encore (PS4)
Platinum #1235 - AER (PS4, AS)
Platinum #1234 - 36 Fragments of Midnight (PS4, ASIA)
Platinum #1232 - Ostwind (PS4)
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[NEU] Grisaia Phantom Trigger 01 & 02 (VITA)
Links zu meinen letzten Nicht-Novellen Blogeinträgen:
Platinum #1253 - A Way Out (PS4)
Platinum #1252 - Old Man's Journey (PS4)
Platinum #1246 bis #1249 - Hex Tunnel 2x & Hex Tunnel Touch 2x (PS4 EU & US)
Platinum #1238 bis 1241 - InkSplosion (3x PS4 und 1x VITA)
Platinum #1236 - MX vs ATV Supercross Encore (PS4)
Platinum #1235 - AER (PS4, AS)
Platinum #1234 - 36 Fragments of Midnight (PS4, ASIA)
Platinum #1232 - Ostwind (PS4)
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